Proto-Celtic accent system against the background of other north-western Indo-European languages |
Vladimir Dybo (Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) |
Journal of Language Relationship, № 14/1-2, 2016 - p.29-57 |
Abstract: In this paper, I revisit the results of my 1961 study on the shortenings of unaccented Indo-European long vowels in Italo-Celtic languages. A significant amount of new material confirming
the original hypothesis has been uncovered; however, some of the results are modified as I demonstrate another type of shortenings of the original long sonorants in Celtic languages. I also show that interpretation of the discovered rules in the laryngealistic paradigm is compatible with a more traditional interpretation. |
Keywords: prosodic reconstruction, Celtic languages, vowel shortening, accent paradigms,
metatony |