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Статья должна быть в обязательном порядке представлена в формате MS Word (*.doc или *.rtf), а также в варианте PDF (анонимизированном, т. е. не содержащем указаний на имя автора, чтобы качественно обеспечить процесс двойного анонимного рецензирования).

Электронная форма подачи рукописей

Style sheet for Journal of Language Relationship

Note: the current style sheet need not be rigorously adhered to at the stage of initial submission. However, upon being accepted for publication based on positive reviews, the paper should be obligatorily brought in agreement with the style sheet by the Author(s) of the accepted manuscript.


Two fonts are strongly recommended:

  • Times New Roman, a generally available Windows system unicode font which covers a large set of characters.
  • Starling Serif (available at: http://starling.rinet.ru/download/ST_SERIF.rar). This font is also based on the Unicode standard (and is thus compatible with Times New Roman), but contains a large number of additional non-standard phonetic characters in the Private Use Area, well suited for the complex needs of typesetting for linguistic papers.
Please avoid using other fonts without special necessity. If your paper happens to contain unique symbols that are not found in either of the two recommended fonts, all additional fonts used must be submitted together with the doc-file.


Size: 12 pt for main text, 10 pt for footnotes. Emphasis: All quoted linguistic forms and examples of usage must be italicized. Bold can be used for emphasis within the author’s own text. Underlining should be avoided. Please do not use “blind” internal references such as “see above”, “as discussed below”, etc. Instead of this, please specify the locus in the following way: “see Sec. 2.1 above”, “as discussed below in the same section”, etc.

Bibliographic references.

Bibliographic references in the text should follow the below model:

  • ... it is defined as follows by Blagden (1913a: 70; 1915: 144)...
  • ... which is gathered and discussed in Adiego 2007: 213–215...
  • ... were recently borrowed from Modern German (Weinreich 2008, 2: 315; Schaechter 1969)...
Do not use “Ibid.” or “Op.cit.”.

List of references.

Bibliographic references must be listed at the end of the text according to the following general model:

  • Weinreich, Max. 2008. History of the Yiddish language. 2 vols. New Haven / London: Yale University Press.
  • Thomason, Sarah G., Terrence Kaufman. 1988. Language contact, creolization, and genetic linguistics. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Chirikba, Viacheslav A. 2003. Abkhaz (Languages of the world/Materials 119). Munchen / Newcastle: Lincom Europa.
  • Beazley, John D. 1952. The New York ‘Phlyax-vase’. American Journal of Archaeology 56(4): 193–195.
  • List, Johann-Mattis, Shijulal Nelson-Sathi, William Martin, Hans Geisler. 2014b. Using phylogenetic networks to model Chinese dialect history. Language Dynamics and Change 4: 222–252.
  • Smeets, Rieks. 1992. On valencies, actants and actant coding in Circassian. In: G. Hewitt (ed.). Caucasian perspectives. Munchen: Lincom Europa: 98–144.
  • Starostin, Sergei (ed.). 1998–2005. The Tower of Babel. An etymological database project. Available: http://starling.rinet.ru/ [Accessed 07.02.2016].

Cyrillic references should be listed in the same way:

  • Зализняк, А. А. 2011. Труды по акцентологии. Том 2. Древнерусский и старовеликорусский акцентологический словарь-указатель (XIV—XVII вв.). Москва: Языки славянских культур.
  • Дыбо, В. А., Г. И. Замятина, С. Л. Николаев. 1993. Основы славянской акцентологии. Москва: Наука.
  • Дыбо, В. А. 1961. Сокращение долгот в кельто-италийских языках и его значение для балтославянской и индоевропейской акцентологии. Вопросы славянского языкознания 5: 9—34.


All tables must be enumerated in captions and accompanied with a short, but informative description: “Table 1. ...”, “Table 2. ...” and so forth. Each table must be explicitly referred to in the text.


All figures must be inserted within the MS Word file in their proper places. All figures must be enumerated in captions and accompanied with a short, but informative description: “Figure 1. ...”, “Figure 2. ...” and so forth. Each figure must be explicitly referred to in the text.

Once the paper is accepted, all figures must also be submitted as separate files.

Format: vector formats (such as *.eps, *.ai, *.cdr) are strongly preferable. The raster format *.tif is also possible.

Size: the maximum size is 170x250mm.

Resolution: raster files (*.tif) must be from 250 to 300 dpi.

Color: only grayscale and black-and-white are possible.

On-line supplement.

If present, supplementary materials for the paper can be hosted at the JLR site and referred to as “Supporting information” in the main text.